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Bag filter equipment manufacturers and direct user when choose filter material to filter material manufacturer required to provide specific technical parameters of filter material而要求的技术参数中,往往偏重于:
  (1)滤料的克重(单位面积质量)。由于滤料是纺织产品,实测值与标称值一定存在偏差。按照国家标准,针刺毡滤料的单位面积质量,可以允许有 +/-5% 的偏差。但有些用户,出于防范滤料供应商偷工减料的目的(可能还有其它目的?)常常向滤袋厂家提出像滤料的克重必须大于等于550 g/m2等要求。如果滤料厂家响应要求做出了承诺,那就意味滤料在生产中必须控制滤料克重在580g/m2,也就是说,滤料的标称值是580克而不应该再是550克。
  (2)滤料的厚度或密度;国标中对滤料厚度也允许有+/- 10%的偏差。
  (5)滤料的耐温性能(允许连续运行的温度和能够承受的瞬时工作温度)。作为滤料厂家,一定有责任根据用户提出的期望滤袋使用寿命(如 3万运行小时或45个月等),根据纤维原材料的耐温和耐化学腐蚀(耐氧化和耐水解)特性,综合提出所选用滤料的允许高连续运行温度和高瞬时工作温度。如果实际烟气温度经常会超过滤料允许的高连续运行温度,那么用户就必须考虑:或在系统上采取措施,提高系统设备如空预器的热交换效率而降低排烟温度;或降低对滤袋期望使用寿命的要求(如放弃3万运行小时的要求)。对滤料提出一个高瞬时工作温度也是合理的,因为系统确实可能会出现瞬时超温(超温是指:超过高连续运行温度的情况)。这里还必须注意两点:一是滤料允许的高瞬时工作温度是不可以超过的;二是超温是瞬时的,有一个时间上的约定,一般会要求每次超温允许几分钟,每年总的超温时间不能够超过多少小时等。
  用户在选择滤料的时候,往往会有粉尘排放控制必须小于30~50 mg/Nm3的要求,也会有除尘器的运行阻力小于1000~1200 Pa的要求,然而对选择的滤料是否能够达到这些要求,却并不能够提出具体的检测比较等指标。其实,作为好的滤料生产厂家来说,研究和开发滤料中会非常关注这些具体滤料的过滤效率和脱灰性能。之所以今天市场上有各种表面处理的滤料,也就是滤料厂家不断关注滤料过滤效率和脱灰性能的结果。
Users in the selection of filter material, tend to have dust emission controls must be less than 30 ~ 50 mg/Nm3 requirements, there will be dust catcher of running resistance less than 1000 ~ 1200 Pa's request, but the choice of filter material will be able to meet these requirements, it is not able to put forward specific detection indices such as comparison. In fact, as a good filter material manufacturers, research and development will be very concerned about these specific filter material in filter material of filtering efficiency and ash from performance. Is there are all kinds of surface treatment of the filter material on the market today, namely filter material manufacturer follow the filter filtration efficiency and the ash from the results of the performance.
In the filter material can accept flue gas under the conditions of normal operation, the performance of the filter material quality will determine actual service life of the filter bag. The functional sex of the filter material (performance) quality mainly refers to the filtration efficiency and ash from performance. Filter material of filtering efficiency is good, means that the dust can be well block on the surface of filter material and rarely penetrate to the filter material in the middle, not only reduce the dust particles in the filter bag of filter material fiber in the process of wear and tear, also makes the dust on the surface of the filter material can be the most widely cleared; Deliming performance is superior, the filter material layer because of the dust come running resistance is low, which formed a clear ash rose to set clear grey again after pressure cycle will be greatly extended; The longer the soot cleaning cycle, the number of filter bag need clear grey would be reduced, thus reducing the number of filter bag of mechanical damage, prolong the service life of filter bag.


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邮   箱:ylx0373@163.com
